Coast to Coast AM with George Noory

Coast to Coast AM with George Noory

Coast to Coast AM deals with UFOs, strange occurrences, life after death, and other unexplained phenomena.Full Bio


Washington State Fifth Graders Secure Sasquatch Protection Again

Photo: Getty Images

A Washington State county recently passed a resolution to protect Sasquatch thanks to a fifth-grade class project that has proven to be remarkably successful over the past three years. The annual endeavor from the Lincoln Elementary School in the city of Holquiam began back in 2022 by way of teacher Andrea Andrews, who conceived of the clever civics lesson. The project sees the youngsters tasked with researching Bigfoot, debating its existence, and, if it passes a vote within the class, lobbying a local county government to pass a resolution that would protect the famed cryptid.

More on this very cool story at the Coast to Coast AM website.

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